Imagine the joy, and creativity, the dreams that come come true, if regional children are given a chance

Many young children in regional Victoria have never seen a stage, never felt the thrill of a live performance, simply because they live too far away and deep funding cuts have made it impossible. It’s heartbreaking.

This Christmas YOU can give Victoria's most isolated and disadvantaged children the gift of experiencing the performing arts at Bendigo’s Capital or Ulumbarra Theatre.

All donations of $2 or more received by the Ulumbarra Foundation’s Gift Fund are tax-deductible and support our performing arts programs. You can also donate by bank transfer and save on fees to: Ulumbarra Foundation Gift Fund BSB: 633-000 Acc: 161 938 907

I would like to donate:

A donation of $1000 $ 1000
A donation of $500 $ 500
A donation of $250 $ 250
A donation of $100 $ 100
A monthly donation of $250 $ 250
A monthly donation of $100 $ 100
A monthly donation of $50 $ 50
A monthly donation of $20 $ 20
An annual donation of $5000 $ 5000
An annual donation of $2500 $ 2500
An annual donation of $1000 $ 1000
An annual donation of $500 $ 500

Your Information

Credit card details

Accepted cards
Visa Mastercard American Express

You will be billed $0 per month until you cancel the subscription.

Total: $0

This amount will be billed to your account today and once a week thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a fortnight thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a month thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a year thereafter. Total annual amount: $0

Ulumbarra Foundation
10 Gaol Rd Bendigo 3550